Are classes on first come first serve or lottery?

Classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis.  We will open the enrollment in the evening in hopes of giving everyone an equal opportunity to enroll.


What if the Afters class I signed up for is canceled due to low enrollment?

You will receive a refund and you can re-register for classes with open spaces at the scheduled time.


When is payment due?

Payment is required when completing on-line registration.


Can I register for a class and then drop it?

No, classes can not be dropped.  Once you sign up (and pay), your child is registered. There are no refunds or pro rations.


Can I get a refund?



Can my kindergartner participate?

Kindergartners can begin taking Afters classes for the Winter and Spring sessions. ISD believes the Kindergartners should have an adjustment period during the Fall and do not participate in any Fall Afters.


How and where do I pick up my child?

At 4:20, children will be escorted to main entrance of school. We encourage parents to park, walk and pick up child as this eases traffic flow. If you do a drive by pick up, come into circle and look for your child; if you do NOT see your child immediately, continue around circle and come back in to allow other parents to pick up children who have come out of the building.



Who ensures the safety of my child after school?

The ISD Afters committee pays for an After School monitor who is first aid/CPR trained. PLEASE NOTE, however, there is no after school Nurse on duty, so it is critical for parents to disclose all medical concerns on registration form including allergies, etc., and provide any medication/epi pens to Afters Monitor.


Can my child eat a snack during Afters?

With the exception of Kids in the Kitchen, there is NO food allowed during Afters. This policy is not only to ensure the safety of our children who suffer from allergies but also to minimize the amount of distraction so your child can take full advantage of their Afters instruction.


What if my child attends school, but cannot attend Afters that day?

Please call the office by 2:00pm. Concerned for the child’s whereabouts, the Afters Monitor will call the parent to locate the student and make sure they were not supposed to be at Afters.


What if my Afters class is cancelled for that day?

If the class is canceled due to instructor illness, emergency, or foul weather, you will be notified by someone on the Afters committee via email with confirmation or phone. You will be responsible for arranging for your child to go home at normal dismissal time. A makeup class will be scheduled.


If there is a scheduled holiday or early release day, is there class?

There are NO Afters classes scheduled for holidays or early release days.

What if I’m late picking up my child?

Pick up is at 4:20. Late pick ups will be charged $10 per 15 minutes payable in cash, or checks written to cash to the monitor on duty.


How do I get financial aid?

Scholarships are available for students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Please send us an email at to inquire for scholarship information. 


Who do I contact for more information?

Afters is a PTA sponsored activity.  There is a committee of ISD parents that run the entire program and it is a large fundraiser for our school. If you would like to learn more about the programs or join the team, please contact: